Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Android 4.2 Realeased

Android 4.2 source code has finally been pushed by Google to AOSP. This means ROM developers can go fetch the code and start developing ROMs based on the newest Android OS that is Android 4.2 aka "The New Jelly Bean". Many of you might have an ETA question for CyanogenMod, but I hope you know the rule that the first rule of CyanogenMod or even the developer community is no ETAs. Even the as this is a minor update, one can guess that there is only merging of codes to be done which does'nt take more than a month as we have seen in transition of Cm9 to Cm10. There won't be any CyanogenMod 11 but the new builds would be called CM 10.x .If you are a developer you might want to check the Google groups post.

4.2 source code released

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Remove ads on Android device using AdFree

Ads are probably the most annoying thing one experiences while using free apps. If you do no tget annoyed by them, well you should. What most people do not  know is ads running inside apps may cause severe battery drain as they are powered by your android device's internet. In other words apps use internet to work and that obviously drains battery.

angry birds ads adfree android

This problem can be solved simply by using a free app called Adfree. Please note this app is for root users only. More details on how to Root Android device using SuperOneClick.,

Check out the video below for furthur details :


Download Adfree here : Adfree for Android

Friday, November 2, 2012

Android 4.2 Keyboard with Gesture Typing

Android 4.2 also know as the new Jelly Bean was recently premiered by Google on a new set of Nexus devices. Although not a major update on the Android platform, there are some pretty cool features that are added. One of them is the new Android 4.2 keyboard that has cool features like gesture support.

android 4.2 keyboard apk download goodies

Thanks to xda member mrmako777 you can get the Android 4.2 keyboard on any device that is Android 4.0 or up. Whether or not this is better than Swype is a debatable topic. Just download the apk file and install it as a normal application. You also need to change the default keyboard from settings.

Download Android 4.2 keyboard